Using Jupyter Notebooks and Plotly
20 minutes

Course Description
This session delves into the exciting world of using Jupyter notebooks with InfluxDB 3.0. Learn how to use Jupyter notebooks, Apache Arrow, Plotly, and Python to create interactive reports and visualizations with InfluxDB 3.0. This includes a tutorial that walks you through how to create interactive reports and visualizations. Unlock the potential of SQL with InfluxDB 3.0.
What you'll learn
  • How to use Jupiter notebooks, a versatile tool that supports interactive computing and sharing visualizations, with InfluxDB
  • Tools for data manipulation and visualization, like Arrow, Pandas, and Plotly
  • How you can query InfluxDB 3.0 using SQL
Rick Spencer
Rick is formerly the VP of Products at InfluxData. Over the course of his career, Rick’s experience includes pioneering work on Developer Usability, leading popular Open Source projects, and packaging, delivering and maintaining cloud software.